Coffee, caffeine, mood and emotions

In Europe, mental and mental health disorders pose a significant public health challenge. Every year, for every 15 people with severe depression in Europe, 1 out of 15 people will be affected.

Research shows that diet and exercise can affect neurological and physiological development and protect the brain from neurological or traumatic diseases. Notably, coffee, cocoa and tea are being investigated positively because they contain polyphenolic compounds that may have a beneficial effect on mental health, including behavior, mood, depression and reception awake.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho coffee,

A review of A. Nehlig showed that repeated use of 75 mg of caffeine (equivalent to a cup of coffee) every 4 hours can lead to continuous improvement in mood throughout the day. However high intake May be related to increased stress stimulation including anxiety, stress and restlessness.

A dose-related improvement in subjective measures of calm and attention has been found after caffeine consumption, suggesting that improving mood may depend on stimulus basis. Subjects more likely to experience fatigue may be more likely to experience subjective mood changes than non-obese or moderate subjects.

Consumption of nutrients and bioactive compounds together is a concern for researchers, as it helps to better understand the effects of food and drinks in the body. The combination of caffeine and carbohydrates has been given special attention.

Managed in popular drinks with appropriate controls, one study looked at the effects of coffee and glucose on mood and performance both together and concluded that both glucose and caffeine were not has a significant effect on cognitive performance. This is surprising in the case of caffeine, as many studies show it improves cognitive performance.

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The authors concede that significant confounding factors can affect results, and caffeine increases conserved mental energy under experimental conditions, although work continues to consider whether changes This mood swings will lead to increased motivation in a difficult task to be encouraged.

Subsequent research incorporating moderate amounts of caffeine and low carbohydrate levels have a positive effect on mood and cognitive abilities. In this study, the main factor leading to improved mood and spirit is the presence of caffeine.